My cover

My cover
Nell and her oranges

Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Royal Mistress Challenge and Running Into Charles at the Airport

I am behind in catching up my poor little blog on my most recent doings in England (while primarily doing research for my next book, but also doing odds and ends on Nell.) But I have a couple of items to report!

First, when I flew home from London 0n November 11, who should be next to me at the BA counter checking into the same flight but Rufus Sewell, who among other things did a great job of playing Charles II in the British miniseries "Charles II, The Power and the Passion." I made so bold as to accost him and tell him that I am a big fan of his work, especially his portrayal of Charles, and told him about my upcoming books. I gave him my card, and he grinned and said, "The Darling Strumpet! I'll have to find that!" So if you're out there, Mr. Sewell, you made my day!

Another happy event was receiving an email from Helena, aka Miss Moppett, telling me that she was going to be running a "Royal Mistress Challenge" on her historical fiction blog, and that The Darling Strumpet will be included! Even though Nell won't be making her debut until January 2011! You can check out the blog on Thanks, Helena!